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Media Release

Malaysia Launches National AI Office (NAIO), Ushering In A New Era Of AI-Driven Growth And Innovation.

4 mins


Kuala Lumpur, December 12, 2024 – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today inaugurated the National AI Office (NAIO), a game-changing initiative under the Ministry of Digital, solidifying Malaysia's commitment to becoming a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation within the ASEAN region. The launch represents a pivotal moment in Malaysia’s journey toward building an AI-driven economy rooted in groundbreaking innovation, ethical governance and future-ready talent development.

In his launch address, the Prime Minister stated that the establishment of NAIO has the potential in building a robust digital ecosystem that can “help conceptualise, plan, research, coordinate, and implement” while driving Malaysia towards innovative creativity.

He further emphasised the need for a “paradigm shift, particularly the importance of sustainability, integrity, and equitable wealth distribution,” while ensuring that “the capabilities of local talents are utilised to develop software so that the data generated by AI are those shaped by us, not solely influenced by Western, Eastern, or other systems' perspectives.”

Approved by the Malaysian Cabinet on 28 August 2024, the National AI Office (NAIO) is a strategic initiative under the Ministry of Digital, established to position Malaysia as a regional leader in AI and a global driver of digital transformation. Tasked with fostering innovation, advancing cross-sector collaboration, and integrating AI into government, industry, and societal frameworks, NAIO aims to address local and global challenges while promoting sustainable development. Guided by MyDIGITAL Corporation within the first year, NAIO will lead efforts in AI research, adoption, and commercialisation to enhance the digital economy and improve public services.

By investing in innovation, promoting robust governance, and encouraging collaboration, NAIO is set to create a dynamic AI ecosystem that positions Malaysia as a key player in the global AI landscape. This includes driving initiatives to strengthen public-private partnerships, enhancing policy frameworks, and prioritising security and ethics in AI deployment. Through these efforts, NAIO seeks to not only bolster Malaysia's economic competitiveness but also ensure AI contributes to societal wellbeing and long-term sustainability.

Minister of Digital, Gobind Singh Deo lauded the collaborative spirit driving NAIO, stating, “It is imperative that we bring AI to all sectors, reaching every segment of society – from the young to the elderly in every corner of the nation. This is to ensure no one is left behind and that everyone benefits from this technological shift.

“Imagine a country where AI helps fishermen pinpoint the best fishing spots; farmers get to optimise land use and boost yields for plantations; while local authorities are able to proactively manage natural disasters. This is the transformative innovation that the NAIO is committed to.

Let’s build an AI Nation, Together, Now.”

Following the launch, the AI Nation Forum brought together global tech leaders, policymakers, academics, and innovators to discuss strategies for AI integration. Centred on three focus areas — the AI Economy, AI Governance, and AI Talent Development, the forum served as a dynamic platform to explore how AI can drive sustainable economic growth.



20241212 Siaran Media Peluncuran NAIO-2.pdf


20241212 Press Release Launch of NAIO-1.pdf


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